The Association


"This movie is pure enjoyment and should NOT be taken serious!"

- Goldenfist

The Association (1975)

Director: Cheng Chang Ho

Producer: Raymond Chow

Cast: Byong Yu, Angela Mao, Samo Hung, Tien Ni, Carter Wong, Whang In Shik

Running Time: 90 min.

Plot: Detectives investigate a whorehouse/abortion ring that is run and financed by corrupt cops.


GOLDENFIST'S REVIEW: For those who love those campy '70s kung fu movies, you'll love this one. There are great demonstrations of Korean martial arts by Byong Yu and Whang In Shik. Golden Harvest had tried to Launch Byong as the next Bruce Lee(he hasn't appeared in anything else since this film). Angela Mao plays twins (one character was executed at the beginning of the film and the other character-her twin sister is the kung fu expert.) Samo Hung has a bit role and there is a 2-second cameo by Carter Wong - he immediately gets killed! On top of that, there is soft core nudity. We are treated to see breasts of short and stout Asian girls, token, White whores and a close up of the breasts of a dead girl. Also, a woman has a wet dream and another gets her nipples clampec by lie detector/electrical clamps. This movie is pure enjoyment and should NOT be taken serious!