Naked Poison


"This absurd and disgusting story, which you almost wish was based on real life (if your sick like me), will leave you with your mouth agape."

- Gwailo

Naked Poison (1992)

Director: Chin Man Kei

Producer: Lee Siu-Kei

Cast: Samuel Leung Cheuk Moon, Gwennie Tam (Taam Gwan Yi), Sophie Ngan Chin Man, Leung Cheuk Moon (Shut Ma Wa Lung)

Running Time: 88 min.

Plot: Doctor Kim recognizes that Chinese medicine can be used for both good and evil, refusing to let grandson Min follow in his footsteps. But Min is already secretly reading Kim's journals at night and when a snakebite kills the doctor, he begins his revenge on everyone who bullies him: his office boss, Peter Chan, the boss's mistress Winnie Wong, and the neighbors - the Fais - who have some kind of problem with him peeping at them having sex. He formulates a venom-based aphrodisiac that not only make women hot for the nearest man at hand - invariably Min - but also wipes their memory in the morning. Meanwhile Min begins a romance with office girl Ling after rescuing her from Peter's advances, but its hard to bring her back for a coffee when the sex-starved neighbors are chained up at home.


GWAILO'S REVIEW: Writer/director Cash Chin (Fruit is Ripe, Till Death Do Us Laugh) and producer Lee Siu-Kei have created a film so ugly and appalling you must see it to believe it. This Category III film demands to be seen, it just can't go unnoticed. Leung Cheuk Moon (Hong Kong Pie, Untold Story III) plays Min, a deranged young man who, when not "wanking" to his neighbors doing the deed, is experimenting with his herbalist grand dad's medicine. When poor old grand dad buys the farm from a poisonous snakebite, that Min witnesses and does nothing about, he inherits grandpa's business. Now somewhat of an amateur mad scientist with numerous elements at his disposal, he begins to exact revenge on those who have done him wrong. These include his boss and his mistress played devilishly by Sophie Ngan (Fing's Raver, Electrical Girl). The young upstart creates a 'poison' that when taken gets you so hot and bothered that there's just no way you can keep your clothes on. Roofies anyone?

This affliction strikes it's taker permanently. Opportunities for degradation are ripe for the picking and what Min does to these poor people is just sick. I feel at a loss and want to go on with the review but I just don't want to spoil it. However, there's ample sex and violence on display as well as sex slaves chained under the bed, catfights, spiders on peoples faces, and all sorts of wicked going on that this sick son of a bitch puts us through. The cheesecake on display furthers our disgust for Min. The gorgeous, innocent looking former Miss Asia Gwennie Tam plays Min's new babe and gains our sympathy in an unsavory role she plays well, considering she seems to only be here for some unrevealing sex scenes with Min. The warped frame of mind that drenched the category III output in the late 80's early 90's is revisited in Naked Poison. The film's seemingly high budget doesn't deserve the film's premise but uses it very well. Chin seems to be an interesting director with much style to burn. This absurd and disgusting story, which you almost wish was based on real life (if your sick like me), will leave you with your mouth agape. A must see category III.