TC 2000


"Still TC-2000 is an okay rental for a late night movie - even though I don't recommend it I don't feel too sorry for seeing it either."

- American Ninja

TC 2000 (1993)

Director: T.J. Scott

Producer: Jalal Merhi

Writer: J. Stephen Maunder, Richard M. Samuels, T.J. Scott

Cast: Billy Blanks, Matthias Hues, Bolo Yeung

Running Time:

Plot: Somewhere in the future the environmental overkill had come. Many people had died. The rich were able to build the underworld, the poor had to stay on the surface building gangs to survive. Jason Storm, an underworld guard gets knowledge of a conspiracy to kill all people on the surface. He needs to flee to the surface, and wins Sumai, a respected martial arts master, as his ally to stop the dirty plot.


AMERICAN NINJA'S REVIEW: In the future the Ozone layer has been destroyed so when the Earth repairs itself, corporate thugs decide to exterminate the survivors. And it's up two martial arts experts to stop them. The two "Saviors" are played by Bolo Yeung and (God help us!), Billy Blanks (the Tae Bo guy for the ignorant people of low budget cinema). The acting for the most part is bad but do we watch this type of movie for Oscar material? Hell no! We watch them for the fights and TC-2000 delivers on it's promise. The action scenes are fast and furious even though they're done with no imagination. Still TC-2000 is an okay rental for a late night movie - even though I don't recommend it I don't feel too sorry for seeing it either.