
"What started out as a promising adult homage to my favorite film, ended up being a dull, boring, not-even-good-enough-for-stroke-material wanna-be porn flick."

- Equinox21

IKU (2000)

AKA: That Japanese, Sci-Fi Porn Movie

Director:Shu Lea Cheang

Producer: Takashi Asai

Cast:Ayumu Tokitho, Maria Yumeno, Yumeka Sasaki, Miho Ariga, My Asou, Etsuyo Tuchida, Tsousie

Running Time: 74 Min.

Plot: Tons and tons of sex, including lots of CGI shots from inside the woman.

Availability: This title is available at HKflix.com


EQUINOX21'S REVIEW: Wow, I don't know what else to say. Just... wow. This is my first foray into reviewing porn. So, of course, what type of porn should I start off with? Japanese, SCI-FI porn, of course!

The movie is really made in America, with tons of CGI and clips from Japanese porn movies. You can tell because the beginning of the film opens up with scrolling text, in English, that mimics the opening of Blade Runner. This was a COMPLETE shock to me, I was not expecting that AT ALL. But, as everyone knows that my favorite film is BR, I really got a kick out of it. After this there was a little scene that copied the ending of Blade Runner, when Deckard and Rachel walk out of his apartment, and she kicks over a small origami unicorn. This was really starting to make me laugh, and I was really starting to enjoy it (no, not like that... there still hadn't been a sex scene at that point). Unfortunately, it all went downhill from there. I've never seen such a useless porn flick in my life. It could barely even be called that. Not only was the story just non-existent (which they usually are), but this didn't even have the sex scenes to make up for that. The sex scenes that they did have were 30 seconds long, at MOST. Plus, in those 30 seconds, you don't get to see anything because of the Japanese practice of censoring the "naughty bits".

What started out as a promising adult homage to my favorite film, ended up being a dull, boring, not-even-good-enough-for-stroke-material wanna-be porn flick.

EQUINOX21'S RATING: 1/10 (one point for referencing Blade Runner, duh)