Tokyo Mafia: Yakuza Wars

"...a seriously low budget and pretty cheesy Yakuza movie with more or less a very standard and somewhat dull story."

- Equinox21

Tokyo Mafia: Yakuza Wars (1995)

Director: Seiichi Shirai

Writer:  Kazuhiko Murakami

Cast: Riki Takeuchi, Masayuki Imai, Reiko Yasuhara, Hiroshi Miyauchi, Kojiro Hongo

Plot: See Review below.

Availability: This title is available at


EQUINOX21'S REVIEW: Tokyo Mafia is a seriously low budget and pretty cheesy Yakuza movie with more or less a very standard and somewhat dull story.  Riki Takeuchi plays Yabuki, a former Yakuza member who was “excommunicated” a few years back and has come back to start his own mafia (not following the Yakuza hierarchy, however) and is trying to push his way into his old neighborhood.  There are lots of generic Yakuza fights, lots of people getting obviously fake limbs hacked off with machetes, and lots of assassinations of opposing clan leaders.  Overall, the only things that really saved this movie were that it was only 80 minutes long (so it wasn't able to completely bore the hell out of me) and that it starred Riki Takeuchi (looking young and quite-a-bit-less-menacing-because-he's-more-young-and-thin-than-in-DOA).  Unless you have to see every Riki Takeuchi movie made or you can find it really cheap, avoid this one.